The realization that producers needed to work together to battle marketing problems
led to the development of livestock cooperatives nationwide.
We're passonate about Livestock.
We are here to help support and sustain the livestock farmers. It represents ranchers, village herds and smallholders alike.
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About the Livestock Producers Assocoation of Nigeria (LiPAN)

The Livestock Producers Assocoation of Nigeria (LiPAN) was founded in direct response to diminishing markets and excessive supplies of livestock. The realization that producers needed to work together to battle marketing problems led to the development of livestock cooperatives nationwide.

Unlocking Nigeria's Livestock Potential:

Strategies for Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness.

Mission of LiPAN

The LiPAN's main objective is to lobby for, encourage, and promote improvements in livestock production while collaborating with relevant institutions to further members' interests. This involves promoting and coordinating the development of holistic and sustainable approaches to pasture growth and management within the landscape’s environmental limits, as well as breed improvement, enhanced animal husbandry, and marketing opportunities for local livestock producers.

Our Services

We can help.

Build your Ranch

It can be intimidating to start your own business, but we are here to help arm you with the information you need to start your own Livestock Farm or Ranch.

Protect our Livestock

We want to help preserve the livestock of Nigeria, to help us meet your maximum potential for the habitats that surround our land.